New Key Art, Icons, Music Preview and Character Profiles Revealed

The official TWEWY account on Twitter revealed a new key art for the Animation.

The Twitter Mission campaign was successful and special icons were released in the official site.

A preview of the anime original music was also posted here. (scroll down and find the music player)

Character profiles for various characters were added:


Sanae Hanekoma (Age Unknown)

A kind café owner with one eye on his shop and the other on the Reapers. Offers words of advice to Neku and the gang.


Uzuki Yashiro (17)

A slightly clumsy Reaper who talks much bigger than her comparatively low station would normally allow.


Koki Kariya (19)

A fit and free-wheeling Reaper who works alongside Uzuki. His laidback attitude belies a strong sense of pride in his work.


Yodai Higashizawa (20)

A beefy Reaper boasting the strength to split the ground with a slam of his fists. Prone to emotional outbursts.


Sho Minamimoto (18)

A cruel and destructive Reaper with a penchant for calculation. Made a name for himself thanks to his impressive feats.


Mitsuki Konishi (Age Unknown)

A high-ranking Reaper who gives missions to Neku and the gang but rarely appears in person.


Megumi Kitaniji (Age Unknown)

A top-ranking Reaper with a strong sense of self-importance. Pursues his objectives strategically.


Hanekoma: Kenjiro Tsuda

Yashiro: Satomi Arai

Kariya: Anri Katsu

Higashizawa: Kenji Takahashi

Minamimoto: Takayuki Fujimoto

Konishi: Hitomi Nabatame

Kitaniji: Hiroshi Shirokuma

Misc images from the official site:

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